2000 Single-Family Field Review (Standard)
This report is designed to analyze an appraisal report completed on a single unit property by a different appraiser. The review appraiser analyzes all information and conclusions from the original report and completes an exterior-only inspection of the subject and comparable properties. A statement indicating if the value on the original report is supported and if the appraisal reflects compliance with USPAP or not will be provided, with analysis.
- Complete 2000 Field Review report
- Exterior and street scene photos of the subject and comparables
- Location map with the subject and comparables plotted.
2000 Single-Family Field Review (Enhanced)
This report is designed to analyze an appraisal report completed on a single unit property by a different appraiser. The review appraiser analyzes all information and conclusions from the original report, completes an exterior-only inspection of the subject and comparable properties, and provides two additional comparables. A statement indicating if the value on the original report is supported and if the appraisal reflects compliance with USPAP or not will be provided, with analysis.
- Complete 2000 Field Review report
- Sale Comparison Grid
- Exterior and street scene photos of the subject and all comparables
- Location map with the subject and all comparables plotted.